
Bravo!’s ArtPrize Acts

Custom productions and performances we created for the prestigious ArtPrize competition.


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Bravo!'s ArtPrize Acts

ArtPrize an annual Art Competition in Grand Rapids, MI exhibits works of hundreds of artists all over the city. For 2 weeks the entire community walks the streets voting on their favorite pieces, the winner (by popular vote) receives a $250,000 prize.

BRAVO! Entertainment was invited to create an entertainment production at the ArtPrize Award Announcement Event. This production was honored with an ESPRIT® AWARD from the International Special Events Society for Best Entertainment Production in its budget range.

– A Magical “glow in the dark” romp to introduce the ceremony

– Through dance and a living landscape a story was told of an Artist’s journey from inspiration to final masterpiece.

– In celebration of the winners we fused technology with dance with audience interaction. VJ Marc Thrasher morphed music videos on the giant screen and at the finale morphed the shadow dancer images from a video of the previous year’s finale on the giant screen spell out ARTPRIZE.

The custom Shadow Dance production for ArtPrize 2009 was a 15 minute performance that brought images and messages from the art community to life.