All the most recognized and loved dance classics, funky nuggets and ‘Old School’ jams from back in the ‘Day’ Without the “Golden Oldies” that we love but have been played to death.
Vintage is the word. Faithfully recreating the classic sound, feel and arrangement of the original version of the song You always think you’re hearing the record.
Make no mistake..
DELICIOUS is not your typical 5-piece Discount Disco Band in cheap Afro wigs.
But rather 9 sexy & stylish hip & handsome boys & girls with plenty of flash, glam and pomp & circumstance
The music and action are constant. With every song flowing from one to the other, keeping the ‘Soul Train’ chugging and not losing any momentum.
No matter how good the entertainment, nothing makes a show sizzle like audience participation. Whether featuring audience members donning feather boas and singing “I Will Survive” or rapping to “Rapper’s Delight,” the DELICIOUS show is INTERACTIVE.
You can also flex your musical knowledge skills and win big prizes through our Guilty Pleasures and One Hit Wonders contests. DELICIOUS will also be your emcee when there is a planned program or when there is official biz to communicate..
Remember.. If it’s good to ya, it’s gotta be good for ya!