Teams rewrite, rehearse and perform with The CRS Band over the course of 2.5-3.5 hours of time including any time allowed for a meal (dinner or lunch).
Corporate Rock Stars
Corporate Rock Stars® challenges teams through a live music experience.  Using the rock band format, teams choose a song from the Corporate Rock Stars kit (iPod, song list, scorecard and mission statement), rewrite the original lyrics, rehearse the song, and then perform it with The CRS band. Collaboration occurs during all stages of the challenge.
Rewriting the Lyrics: Incorporate organizations message in the new song
During the lyric rewrites, teams incorporate the conference objectives and themes into the new song.  After song rewrites, teams then input the lyrics into an application which feeds them to separate video monitors that face both the audience and the stage performers.
Rehearsing the Parts
During this phase of the challenge, teams work on delivering their performance. Your team dives as deep as they want into making the performance great.  Want to play guitar in the band?  Great, we’ll show you the parts.  Want to sing and play keyboard?  No problem.  All team members will participate in the process through songwriting, singing, playing and performing.
The CRS Band plays every song LIVE, so regardless of how you participate you will be jamming with world-class artists. The CRS Band consists of professional artists that are full time musicians with world touring experience, major label recording credits and a vast history of experience.
Don’t forget to get your inner rock star on with a proper visit to our prop trunk.  We come loaded with great props including wigs, glasses, feather boas and other accoutrement.
Deliver the Performance
Get on stage with The CRS Band and rock out!  This is your song and your time in the spotlight.  Make use of props, shakers, instruments or whatever else helps you translate your custom song into a smashing success.
Program Flow – A typical program will flow as follows:
5-10 minutes:  Group filters into the ballroom/venue space while band plays.
5-10 minutes:  Introductory remarks made by client’s business director.  Introduction by our CRS facilitator into how the program works and distributes CRS Kits to each team.
5 minutes:  Teams select their songs and get the original lyrics and iPod with chosen song
60-90 minutes:  Teams work on rewrites of songs.  Teams rehearse offstage with CRS Band musicians and prepare for show performance.
50-75 minutes:  Corporate Rock Stars concert! (Allow 5 min. per team performance)
15-20 minutes:   Concluding remarks and awards.
10 minutes:   The CRS Band plays a couple of songs and the program      concludes.