Talent Category: General Session

Voice Play

Voice Play-Fit for all ages, VoicePlay's recordings and concerts are an impossible to miss hit which have to be heard to be believed.

Voltage Brothers

Voltage Brothers can play the Top 40 for each of the last 20 years or present a living showcase of Black musical forms

Vox Audio

If you love to laugh, while witnessing astonishing feats of vocal skill and dexterity, don't miss VOX AUDIO !


The Hottest New Act From Las Vegas Based in Las Vegas, the entertainment capital of the world, comes Vynilyn. It is the best of a DJ and a Band, with two live violins, a world-renowned DJ, choreography, synced lighting, turntable tricks, a tailor made video show, and live vocals, all [...]

Wade Bowen

Texas born and raised Wade Bowen is a singer song writer who is taking the country music scene by storm! According to The New York Times, Wade Bowen is “…an earnest and direct singer who wrings feeling from a small vocal gestures and whose songwriting…is graceful, with a twists like small sighs.”

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