Talent Category: Dance

Flashback Heart Attack

There are a lot of 80s cover bands. Some good ones, some not so good. Problem is, some put whatever it takes on a website (even false claims) to get your attention. 80s cover band Flashback Heart Attack is more than just flashy outfits, occasional choreography and funny stage shtick. [...]

Flight Of The Keys Dueling Pianos

Flight of the Keys Dueling Piano is an All-Inclusive, All-Request, and Sing-Along show that is sure to take your event to the next level. From the lights to the sound, this show is so entertaining. Flight Of The Keys provides musical entertainment for all special events and is based in [...]


Street Dance + Classical Music = FLY FLY’s performance style is called “theatrical hip hop” — “theatrical” because acting is an essential element of the style. FLY has been spreading their infectious “theatrical hip hop” around the world since 1992. Notable performances include Washington's Kennedy Center, Miller Outdoor Theater, Jacob's [...]

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